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Posts filed under: Government News

Whatever the Government decides when it’s completed its review of the paused smart motorway programme in England, digitisation of road and land communications is here to stay.  The short-term concern for the government is the degree of safety – or...
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Logistics is an ever-evolving area that is constantly under the microscope for how it can be optimised and improved to ensure goods and services are readily available. One area that can take advantage of the multitude of technological developments is...
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UK-leading technology and connectivity partner, Excelerate Technology, helped UK police personnel to stay in touch with friends and family, and enjoy much-needed down-time in a safe environment, by ensuring guaranteed coverage on its Enhanced Resilience Satellite Network (ERSN) on board...
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Improved safety at Lulworth Estate as part of 5G RuralDorset project. JET Engineering System Solutions Ltd today announced the signing of a contract with Excelerate Technology Limited, as part of the 5G RuralDorset project, to deliver a network of Surf...
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Simon Hill, Technical Director at Excelerate Technology, details the exciting potential offered by 5G communications. What is different about 5G compared to existing cellular technology? 5G will be very different from 4G. It will be a network of networks. There...
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A bid led by Dorset Council has been awarded £4.335m to help understand how rural communities could benefit from next-generation mobile connectivity. Four trials in the county will look at innovative public, social and business uses of improved mobile coverage...
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