+44(0) 845 65 85 747
Willow House, Cardiff, CF3 0LW


FIRE & RESCUE - Our reputation for innovative and intuitive technology means we have become the partner of choice

For the past two decades, we have been working closely with the UK’s Fire & Rescue services to provide a full operational picture of everything on the incident ground.

With The UK and Global first responder sectors facing unprecedented pressures to implement lessons learned and recommendations at a local and national level, the requirement for reliable communications, situational awareness and emerging technologies such as drones, body worn cameras and dynamic incident management platforms are growing. Therefore, digital adoption is becoming a prerequisite to improve public safety, response and decision making.

Today, we are combining Hybrid Technology solutions to underpin first responder applications and improve the reliability of data transfer across any type of deployment.

Our customers include West Midlands Fire, Scottish Fire, Hampshire, Mid & West Wales, Norfolk, Notts and many more across the UK and Australia


‘Connectivity everywhere’

Our team are supporting fully integrated Command and Control, Fire Appliances and Specialist Vehicles with scalable and reliable connectivity solutions.

The ability to seamlessly receive and share real-time data and operational information to improve decision making and operational outcomes has become even more critical. As has the availability of a network infrastructure across any environment.

At Excelerate, we work closely with our customers to understand their operational challenge.

As a result, we have developed some of the most resilient, robust solutions to support major incident response, operational resilience, and emergency planning.


Delivering a totally scalable and flexible 'connected fleet' solution for Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

MAWWFRS had to obtain a solution to overcome daily, common challenges, which would ultimately be underpinned by technology to vastly improve situational awareness and be able to reliably track personnel – including location within a building or when deployed at a whole host of incidents – from industrial and forest fires through to water rescue operations.


Recent post-incident enquiries had focused on weaknesses in individual and multi-agency communications. And the ability to seamlessly receive and share real-time data and operational information to support decision-making has become even more critical.
What was severely lacking, was the availability of a network infrastructure within these environments to enable the instantaneous live feed, relay and sharing of data – including live voice and video.
A further challenge to overcome was the ability to take the technology, and the network infrastructure, ‘beyond the vehicle’. In essence, MAWWFRS required a non-fixed and flexible ‘connectivity anywhere’ solution to be able to be deployed anywhere within the incident ground.
In delivering a connected fleet solution of 53 vehicles, some of the capabilities now being deployed – and indeed with other services – include fully connected command support units, pumping, aerial and specialist appliances, officers’ cars, SRT water response vehicles, turntable ladders and additional support vehicles.
The holistic connected solution enables emergency services to be fully integrated across all vehicles, regardless of location across the incident ground with real-time transfer of data, including live video feed.

Featured Solutions:

This is No Ordinary Vehicle it is a Command Capability

Providing the latest technology to support modern fleet requirements is essential - the challenge with vehicle solutions such as command and control units is the ability to provide the benefits of a modern day vehicle whilst maintaining the integrity of the operational role and primary command and control functionality.

We deliver tailored and scalable Technology. Inclusive of system integration and services which is installed and supported within World Leading Vehicle Conversions.

Excelerate Technology has built up a solid reputation in delivering some of the most scalable and deployable command vehicles over the past 20 years in the UK and further afield. From introducing broadband satellite connectivity back in 2001 to now developing a whole range of solutions through ‘hybrid connectivity’ that blends satellite, cellular and wireless communications - all underpinned by a robust and resilient connectivity eco-system.

Customer Use Case

Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service

Joint Operations

Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service and Police’s joint command unit represents the endless opportunities presented by both greater interoperability between agencies and the intelligent use of digital communications. Since 2016, it has been deployed at multiple complex incidents, pre-planned & community events and major incidents.

Phil Pells

Area Commander
– Operational Support
Fire & Rescue Service

The Joint Command Unit provides a unique command and control capability, enabling both fire and police officers to work together in a single vehicle.
We are now working closely with Excelerate for the roll-out of our smart fire appliances to be delivered in 2021.
The first of its type in the UK, the high-tech vehicle features satellite, 4G and private LTE communications, while the built-in technology includes the ability to receive and view footage from remote static cameras, body worn cameras, UAV’s and the police helicopter.
The service are now rolling out a fully connected fleet to support various operational scenarios.

Connected Responder

The world we live in is becoming increasingly connectivity-centric. The number of devices used in the field is ever-increasing and reliable connectivity is critical for any number of smart devices to function.
Devices like body-worn cameras and UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles) rely on varying degrees of connectivity.
At Excelerate, we streamline connectivity by developing solutions that are simple and user-friendly. For us, it’s about making complex technologies simple so that responders can focus on the task at hand, rather than technology.

Featured Solutions:

Fire & Rescue News