12 am – crowd building up near the Royal Navy Pier

Live monitoring and management of emergency responses to demonstrations and riots, as well as major public order events can be improved by deployment of the temporary surveillance capability provided by Sherpa

With a wide variety of public order threats to deal with, such as riots, demonstrations and terrorist attacks, as well as crimes such as muggings and drug dealing, plus ceremonial and cultural activities and major sporting fixtures, a system such as Sherpa can provide fast, flexible options for using live and recorded CCTV to cover all such events.

Sherpa was used for enhanced temporary surveillance at the 2014 NATO Summit with integrated real-time video streaming capabilities via 3G/4G & COFDM improving real-time situational awareness.

“On game day the Sherpa’s and body worn cameras gave the command team views they could not get in any other way.”

Nigel Russell – Chief Superintendent
Gwent Police (2014)