+44(0) 845 65 85 747
Willow House, Cardiff, CF3 0LW

Smart Ambulance

Connecting health professionals to patients, anytime, anywhere

Modern technology means that patients can often be treated at the scene. In order to ensure all critical applications stay online and the most up-to-date information is available, a robust and reliable internet connection is required.

Excelerate’s Smart Ambulance solution combines a selection of our products and connectivity services. This includes our on-board multi-wan router, Linx hub
portable WiFi Hotspot, 4G optimisation antenna Excell, and the next generation Flat Panel satellite technology and services.

Together, these products create an onboard connectivity ecosystem, optimising cellular, satellite and wireless network capabilities.
This provides medical professionals with a robust and reliable internet connection regardless of geographical constraints,
which in turn enables seamless real-time data transfer between the devices onboard as well as clinical leads at alternative


Our work with NHS SPRINT

COVID-19 has caused many organisations to adapt quickly to remote working. It has highlighted a need for high quality and reliable connectivity - particularly in healthcare, to cope with increased demand and enforced restrictions.

With Intensive Care Units overflowing in South East London at the height of the pandemic, SPRINT - The Specialist Retrieval and Intensive Care Transfer Service adopted
Excelerate’s Smart Ambulance Technology. This enabled SPRINT teams to treat patients more effectively on scene whilst reducing the strain on the NHS - a huge advancement in critical, pre-hospital emergency care.

Discover more about our work with SPRINT

Police, ambulance emergency vehicles at night on Westminster Bridge by Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, London, England

Hamad Medical – Driving ‘Hybrid Connectivity’ to Underpin Digital Transformation

Hamad Medical is leading the world in placing connectivity at the heart of its digital transformation strategy, enabling the best use of current and future technologies to improve command and control, situational awareness and ultimately patient care.

Creating an Ambulance Wide Network

Hamad Medical’s 220-strong fleet of smart ambulances and command vehicles features robust connectivity and the ability to support paramedics across a variety of operational
deployments. Each ambulance has been equipped with a vehicle router that will create an ‘Ambulance Wide Network’ along with an Excell 4G optimisation antenna. Selected ambulances have an additional flat-panel satellite addressing the need for high- throughput communications on-the-move for added resilience.

smart ambulances

Connected Fleet

In 2020, Hamad Medical acquired an additional 26-tonne Mercedes command and control vehicle, the latest of a total of five such vehicles and the second to be 26-tonne. This vehicle has been designed to act as a command and control point to compliment the existing capabilities that service already have. No matter where in the country an incident happens, this vehicle delivers guaranteed high-quality coverage via our hybrid connectivity eco-system.

Three Ford Transit based vehicles offer the same technological and connectivity functions as the 26-tonne vehicles, but without the integrated conference centre of the larger vehicles. The fleet can connect to each other, or function independently.

Hamad Medical Corporation’s (HMC) Ambulance Service also use rapid deploy cameras, body-worn cameras and drones to enhance assessment of incident scenes. The range of cameras help the Ambulance Service teams undertake a thorough assessment of the surrounding areas, providing the information needed to ensure the very best medical response is delivered.

Discover more about our work with Hamad Medical Corporation here

The UK’s Ambulance Service has been widely acknowledged as having the most advanced mobile command vehicles in the world and we are extremely proud to be providing and supporting every NHS Ambulance Trust throughout the UK

A benchmark for the national ambulance service

West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) Incident Command Unit (ICU) has been equipped with the very latest technology to deal with major and prolonged incidents.
The unit enables a tactical command post to be deployed at the incident ground housing operators and commanders and to accommodate multi agency responses where required.

Discover more about our work with WMAS here

command and control vehicle

At the heart of major incidents

Our involvement with NHS Ambulance Services began in 2007 with the introduction of Hazardous Area Response Teams (HART). Excelerate was commissioned to provide
satellite communications systems for their range of HART command vehicles.

The vehicle-based Incident ground Technology (IGT) solution has served HART well, but with HART’s expanded operational areas, evolving user requirements and the
availability of new technologies – the next generation IGT solution marks a significant shift in direction towards a more flexible and agile communications capability.

The solution has been designed with high mobility and ease of use in mind to support HART clinicians at the heart of the response, where their primary role is to provide critical
medical intervention – giving casualties the best chance of survival.

The portable IGT solution enables teams to quickly and easily deploy a secure and resilient communications infrastructure exactly where it’s needed.

portable private network

Solution Diagram

portable LTE and satellite network


    portable LTE network