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Posts filed under: Security

Whether pre-planned or spontaneous, the tactical policing of major events is invariably complicated by the comparatively small footprint given the overall headcount, sometimes running into tens of thousands of people. With public safety being paramount, it is vital that voice,...
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Excelerate technology provides connectivity for police officers on board ferry at G7 summit UK-leading technology and connectivity partner, Excelerate Technology, helped UK police personnel to stay in touch with friends and family, and enjoy much-needed down-time in a safe environment,...
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Work continues to improve the Hirst A state-of-the-art mobile CCTV system is the latest tool being used to improve residents’ quality of life in Ashington. Six county councillors have joined together via the members small projects scheme to fund a...
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Gwent Police is one of the smallest police forces, but whose footprint covers one of the most prestigious venues in Wales. Celtic Manor. Celtic Manor has attracted some of the largest events to be held in the UK, namely the...
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